How to get it
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What is this?

This is a static page that is automatically generated from GetSupportedAPIList using public and publisher keys. Additionally service methods are parsed from Steam client's protobuf files.

If you specify the web api key above, it will be stored in your browser, and will only be sent to Valve's API servers if you chose to do so.

Type a value in the value field and click the execute button to perform an API request in your browser.

This website is created and maintained by xPaw. Use any APIs listed here at your own risk.
I do not know how all of them work, this page is simply a reference.

If you know of an API that is not listed here, make a pull request to the file of undocumented APIs.

Source code for this page is also available on GitHub.

Using the API

The public Steamworks Web API is hosted on or

The public Web API host is accessible via HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443). Note that any requests using your publisher Web API key should be made over HTTPS.
This service is behind Akamai's edge cache, so the actual IP addresses you will see for the name will vary based on your location and on ongoing service changes.
The IPs can change rapidly and fluidly, so if your Web API calls are made through a firewall on outbound requests, read on.

Steam also provides a partner-only Web API server hosted on The intent of this service is to have higher availability than the public host; you should use this service for all requests made from your secure servers. This host has some different properties than the public host:

  • This host is only accessible via HTTPS.
  • This host is not behind Akamai's edge cache.
  • Every request to this host must be made with your publisher Web API key, even requests which would ordinarily not need a key.
    Requests made without a valid publisher key will return a 403 error code.
  • Requests generating 403 status codes will incur strict rate limits for the connecting IP. This is in an effort to ensure high availability. If you generate a sufficient number of requests within a certain time interval that return 403 status codes — either during testing, or by using a regular Web API key instead of your publisher key — the host will put your IP on a deny list for a while.

You should not connect to the Web API servers by IP; use the DNS name.

Requests and responses

Similiar to the Steamworks C++ API, the Web API has been divided into multiple interfaces that contain related methods. The URI format of each API request is:<interface>/<method>/<method_version>/

Steam supports returning Web API responses in multiple formats. By default, all responses are returned JSON encoded. However, each request can optionally contain a format parameter to specify the desired response format. The following values can be passed for this parameter: xml, json, and vdf.

A flexible solution should be used to parse Web API results as each method may return results in an arbitrary order.



start authentication process
Parameters: device_friendly_name, account_name, encrypted_password (password, RSA encrypted client side), encryption_timestamp (timestamp to map to a key - STime), remember_login (deprecated), platform_type, persistence (whether we are requesting a persistent or an ephemeral session), website_id ((EMachineAuthWebDomain) identifier of client requesting auth), device_details (User-supplied details about the device attempting to sign in), guard_data (steam guard data for client login), language, qos_level ([ENetQOSLevel] client-specified priority for this auth attempt)
start authentication process
Parameters: device_friendly_name, platform_type, device_details (User-supplied details about the device attempting to sign in), website_id ((EMachineAuthWebDomain) identifier of client requesting auth)
Enumerate durable (refresh) tokens for the given subject account
Parameters: key (Access key)
Given a refresh token for a client app audience (e.g. desktop client / mobile client), generate an access token
Parameters: key (Access key), refresh_token, steamid, renewal_type
get metadata of specific auth session, this will also implicitly bind the calling account
Parameters: client_id (client ID from scanned QR Code, used for routing)
get risk metadata for a specific auth session that has been deemed risky
Parameters: client_id (client ID from scanned QR Code, used for routing), language (language for optimistic localization of geoloc data)
Gets all active auth sessions for an account for reference by the mobile app
Parameters: key (Access key)
Fetches RSA public key to use to encrypt passwords for a given account name
Parameters: account_name (user-provided account name to get an RSA key for)
Migrates a WG token to an access and refresh token using a signature generated with the user's 2FA secret
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (Steam ID of the user to migrate), token (WG Token to migrate), signature (Signature over the wg token using the user's 2FA token)
notify the server about risk quiz responses for metrics purposes
Parameters: client_id (client ID for the auth session, used for routing), results (Whether or not the user correctly answered each risk quiz question), selected_action (The action being taken selected by the user during the quiz), did_confirm_login (Whether or not the user went on to confirm the login or not in the case of a passed quiz)
poll during authentication process
Parameters: client_id, request_id, token_to_revoke (If this is set to a token owned by this user, that token will be retired)
Mark the given refresh token as revoked
Parameters: key (Access key), token_id, steamid (Token holder if an admin action on behalf of another user), revoke_action (Select between logout and logout-and-forget-machine), signature (required signature over token_id)
Revoke a single token immediately, making it unable to renew or generate new access tokens
Parameters: key (Access key), token, revoke_action (Select between logout and logout-and-forget-machine)
approve an authentication session via mobile 2fa
Parameters: version (version field), client_id (pending client ID, from scanned QR Code), steamid (user who wants to login), signature (HMAC digest over {version,client_id,steamid} via user's private key), confirm (Whether to confirm the login (true) or deny the login (false)), persistence (whether we are requesting a persistent or an ephemeral session)
approve an authentication session via steam guard code
Parameters: client_id (pending client ID, from initialized session), steamid (user who wants to login), code (confirmation code), code_type (type of confirmation code)
Gets broadcast upload stats for user
Parameters: key (Access key), row_limit (How many at maximum to return.), start_time (Start time), upload_id (Optional relay upload ID - not compatible with session_id), steamid (Optional the steamid whose stats you want, otherwise the user logged in - admin only), session_id (Optional broadcast session ID - not compatiable with upload_id)
Gets viewer stats for given broadcast
Parameters: key (Access key), upload_id (Get stats for this stream), steamid (Optional: The steamid of the broadcast whose details you are requesting.)
Start building a broadcast clip
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_clip_id
Get details for Broadcast Clips
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_clip_id (List of clip IDs we want details for)
Gets RTMP broadcast info
Parameters: key (Access key), ip, steamid (broadcaster steamID if not logged-in user)
Mute a user in your broadcast chat
Parameters: key (Access key), chat_id, user_steamid, muted
Post chat message to specified chat room
Parameters: key (Access key), chat_id, message, instance_id, language (ELanguage of the user posting the message, default is english), country_code (The two letter country code)
Add a game meta data frame to broadcast
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, steamid, broadcast_id, frame_data
Add a game meta data frame to broadcast from a client. Uses RTMP token for validation
Parameters: appid (AppID of the game being broadcasted), steamid (Broadcasters SteamID), rtmp_token (Valid RTMP token for the Broadcaster), frame_data (game data frame expressing current state of game (string, zipped, whatever))
Tell all viewers to remove user chat text
Parameters: key (Access key), chat_id, user_steamid
Updates a broadcast clip
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_clip_id (Clip ID), start_time (start time of the clip), end_time (end time of the clip), video_description
Sets RTMP broadcast info
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_permission, update_token, broadcast_delay, app_id, required_app_id, broadcast_chat_permission (Who is permitted to send a chat message during broadcast), broadcast_buffer (Previous seconds we keep of the stream available), steamid (broadcaster steamID if not logged-in user), chat_rate_limit (Seconds required between chat messages), enable_replay (Enable replay of last upload), is_partner_chat_only (When true, then only steamwork partner can create chat messages.), wordban_list
Start building a broadcast clip
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, broadcast_session_id, first_segment, num_segments, clip_description
Update chat message flair in the specified chat room
Parameters: key (Access key), chat_id, flair
Parameters: event (The event ID), steamid (The SteamID of the user inventory), steamidkey (Authentication obtained from the SteamID)
Parameters: event (The event ID), steamid (The SteamID of the user inventory), steamidkey (Authentication obtained from the SteamID)
Parameters: event (The event ID)
Parameters: event (The event ID), steamid (The SteamID of the user inventory), steamidkey (Authentication obtained from the SteamID)
Parameters: event (The event ID), steamid (The SteamID of the user inventory), steamidkey (Authentication obtained from the SteamID), sectionid (Event section id), pickid0 (PickID to select for the slot), itemid0 (ItemID to lock in for the pick), pickid1 (PickID to select for the slot), itemid1 (ItemID to lock in for the pick), pickid2 (PickID to select for the slot), itemid2 (ItemID to lock in for the pick), pickid3 (PickID to select for the slot), itemid3 (ItemID to lock in for the pick), pickid4 (PickID to select for the slot), itemid4 (ItemID to lock in for the pick)
Parameters: event (The event ID), steamid (The SteamID of the user inventory), steamidkey (Authentication obtained from the SteamID), sectionid (Event section id), groupid (Event group id), index (Index in group), pickid (Pick ID to select), itemid (ItemID to lock in for the pick)
Tell the VAC servers that a secure multiplayer session has ended.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid of the user.), appid (The appid the user is playing.), session_id (session id)
Get a list of cheating reports submitted for this app
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (The appid.), timeend (The beginning of the time range .), timebegin (The end of the time range.), reportidmin (Minimum reportID to include), includereports (Include reports.), includebans (Include ban requests.), steamid (Query just for this steamid.)
Remove a ban on a player
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid of the user who is reported as cheating.), appid (The appid.)
Reports cheat data. Only use on test account that is running the game but not in a multiplayer session.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid of the user running and reporting the cheat.), appid (The appid.), pathandfilename (path and file name of the cheat executable.), webcheaturl (web url where the cheat was found and downloaded.), time_now (local system time now.), time_started (local system time when cheat process started. ( 0 if not yet run )), time_stopped (local system time when cheat process stopped. ( 0 if still running )), cheatname (descriptive name for the cheat.), game_process_id (process ID of the running game.), cheat_process_id (process ID of the cheat process that ran), cheat_param_1 (cheat param 1), cheat_param_2 (cheat param 2), cheat_data_dump (data collection in json format)
Reports a player cheating
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid of the user who is reported as cheating.), appid (The appid.), steamidreporter (steamid of the user or game server who is reporting the cheating.), appdata (App specific data about the cheating.), heuristic (extra information about the source of the cheating - was it a heuristic.), detection (extra information about the source of the cheating - was it a detection.), playerreport (extra information about the source of the cheating - was it a player report.), noreportid (dont return report id), gamemode (extra information about state of game - was it a specific type of game play (0 = generic)), suspicionstarttime (extra information indicating how far back the game thinks is interesting for this user), severity (level of severity of bad action being reported), matchid (matchid to identify the game instance), cheating_type (app specific data about the type of cheating), appdata2 (App specific data about the cheating.), infraction_time (Time when the cheating occured), raw_report (Raw report data)
Requests a ban on a player
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid of the user who is reported as cheating.), appid (The appid.), reportid (The reportid originally used to report cheating.), cheatdescription (Text describing cheating infraction.), duration (Ban duration requested in seconds.), delayban (Delay the ban according to default ban delay rules.), flags (Additional information about the ban request.), invisible_ban (The ban will be recorded but not be visible or deny access to secure servers.)
Checks a user's VAC session status. If verification fails, then do not let the user matchmake into a secure game.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid of the user.), appid (The appid the user is playing.), session_id (session id), session_flags (session flags)
Tell the VAC servers that a secure multiplayer session has started
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid of the user.), appid (The appid the user is playing.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan the FAQ is for.), internal_name (Human-readable name, for editor use only.), json_data (extra metadata, like legacy KB data. Optional.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan the FAQ is for.), faq_id (The unique FAQ identifier.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan the FAQ is for.), faq_id (The unique FAQ identifier.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan.), faq_id (The unique FAQ identifier.)
Parameters: key (Access key), faq_id (The unique FAQ identifier.), language (ELanguage to fetch. Falls back to English or SC, based on realm.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan the FAQ is for.), faq_id (The unique FAQ identifier.), language (ELanguage to fetch. Falls back to English or SC, based on realm.), version (Version number for this FAQ, counting up, or zero (0) for the current draft.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan the FAQ is for.), faq_id (The unique FAQ identifier.), language (ELanguage to fetch.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan the FAQ is for.), faq_id (The unique FAQ identifier.), language[0] (ELanguages to publish)
Parameters: key (Access key), search_text (The text that we will use to search name/content in solr), elanguages[0] (List of Elanguages to return resultsin, in order of priority), count (Number of results to return for this page), cursor (Optional cursor if you are paging through results), filter_clanids[0] (List of clanids to limit search to)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan the FAQ is for.), faq_id (The unique FAQ identifier.), visible_in_global_realm (true to show, false to hide.), visible_in_china_realm (true to show, false to hide.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan the FAQ is for.), faq_id (The unique FAQ identifier.), language (ELanguage), content (Presumably BBCode), title (Human-readable name, for page title.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan the FAQ is for.), faq_id (The new FAQ's unique identifier.), internal_name (Human-readable name, for editor use only.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The clan the FAQ is for.), faq_id (The new FAQ's unique identifier.), json_data (extra metadata, like legacy KB data.)
Parameters: key (Access key), client_instanceid (Uses first desktop session if not specified), enable (True to enable downloads, false to disable)
Parameters: key (Access key)
Parameters: key (Access key), fields (A combination of fields : 'all|media|tools|games'), filters (A combination of state filters : 'none|changing|installed'), client_instanceid (Uses first desktop session if not specified), include_client_info (If true, response will also include ClientData message), language (Language for app names), filter_appids[0]
Parameters: key (Access key), client_instanceid (Uses first desktop session if not specified)
Parameters: key (Access key), client_instanceid (Uses first desktop session if not specified)
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (appID of product to install), client_instanceid (Uses first desktop session if not specified)
Parameters: key (Access key), client_instanceid, appid, query_params
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (appID of product to uninstall), action (1 to resume downloading, 0 to pause downloading), client_instanceid (Uses first desktop session if not specified)
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (appID of product to install), client_instanceid (Uses first desktop session if not specified)
Indicate a batch of files that will be uploaded / deleted for an app.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (App ID for this batch is for.), machine_name (Client machine name (may be user's alias).), files_to_upload[0] (Filenames of files to upload in this batch), files_to_delete[0] (Filenames of files to delete in this batch), client_id (Client ID number), app_build_id (Current local build of the app which made these changes), access_token (OAuth access token for the user), files_to_upload (List of all files to be uploaded (new files or updates for existing files) as part of this batch.), files_to_delete (List of all files to be deleted from Steam Cloud as part of this batch.)
Begins the process of uploading a file to Steam external storage services. File should be uploaded via HTTP PUT to the returned URL, after which the upload must be finalized by a call to CommitHTTPUpload.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (App ID for which the file is being uploaded.), file_size (Original file size in bytes.), filename (Name of the file to store in the cloud.), file_sha (Hex string (40 digits) representing the SHA1 digest of the file.), is_public (True if the file should be marked public on the UFS, false otherwise.), platforms_to_sync[0] (Array of string specifying which platforms to sync; value values: all, Windows, MacOS, linux, Switch, iPhoneOS, Android.), request_headers_names[0] (Names for headers you'll want to set on your upload request. May be left blank.), request_headers_values[0] (Values for headers you'll want to set on your upload request. The number of names must equal the number of values.), upload_batch_id (ID of this batch returned by prior BeginAppUploadBatch call.)
Begins the process of uploading a file to Steam external storage services. File should be uploaded via HTTP PUT to the returned URL, after which the upload must be finalized by a call to CommitHTTPUpload.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (App ID this UGC belongs to.), file_size (File size in bytes.), filename (Name of the file.), file_sha (Hex string (40 digits) representing the SHA1 digest of the file.), content_type (MIME content type of the file)
Commits a file upload initiated by BeginHTTPUpload and transferred via HTTP PUT.
Parameters: key (Access key), transfer_succeeded (True if the HTTP PUT to the upload URL succeeded (URL provided in response to Cloud.BeginHTTPUpload), false if a failure occurred.), appid (App ID for which the file is being uploaded. Must match the app ID provided to Cloud.BeginHTTPUpload.), file_sha (Hex string (40 digits) representing the SHA1 digest of the file. Must match the SHA1 digest provided to Cloud.BeginHTTPUpload.), filename (Filename as specified in the Cloud.BeginHTTPUpload request.)
Commits a file upload initiated by BeginUGCUpload and transferred via HTTP PUT.
Parameters: key (Access key), transfer_succeeded (True if the HTTP PUT to the upload URL succeeded (URL provided in response to Cloud.BeginUGCUpload), false if a failure occurred.), appid (App ID for which the file is being uploaded. Must match the app ID provided to Cloud.BeginUGCUpload.), ugcid (UGC ID of the uploaded file.)
Indicate that the batch is complete or being stopped for some other reason.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (App ID for this batch is for.), batch_id (ID of this batch.), batch_eresult (result of this batch.)
Indicate that the batch is complete or being stopped for some other reason.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (App ID for this batch is for.), batch_id (ID of this batch.), batch_eresult (result of this batch.)
Deletes a file from the user's cloud.
Parameters: key (Access key), filename, appid (App ID the file belongs to.), upload_batch_id (ID of this batch returned by prior BeginAppUploadBatch call.)
Enumerates Cloud files for a user of a given app ID. Returns up to 500 files at a time.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (App ID to enumerate the files of.), extended_details (Get extended details back on the files found. Defaults to only returned the app Id and UGC Id of the files found.), count (Maximum number of results to return on this call. Defaults to a maximum of 500 files returned.), start_index (Starting index to begin enumeration at. Defaults to the beginning of the list.), access_token (OAuth access token for the user)
Returns details on a Cloud file.
Parameters: key (Access key), ugcid (ID of the Cloud file to get details for.), appid (App ID the file belongs to.)
Returns the URL of the proper cloud server for a user.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (App ID to which a file will be uploaded to.)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, itemid, language
Parameters: key (Access key), appids[0], language
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, filter_user_uploaded_only
Parameters: key (Access key), include_steam_blog (Optional: if true Steam blog events will be included), filter_to_played_within_days (Optional: if set Steam will only return events for apps the user has played within the set number of trailing days), include_only_game_updates (Optional: if true means only return data for events that are major/minor game updates, not other game news/events)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, itemid
Parameters: key (Access key), count (Maximum number of results you want back), offset (On a continuing request, where to continue requesting events from.), rtime32_start_time (Required: Unix time for when to beginning of today for search - users timezone sensitive), rtime32_end_time (Required: Unix time for when to end of today the search - users timezone sensitive), language_preference[0] (Preferred languages (in order of preference)), filter_event_type[0] (Optional: Limit the results to only these types of events), filter_to_appid (If true, then filter to only the appids in the below list. Otherwise, combination of server determined appids and the below requested appids), count_after (Optional: Return up to this number of events after end-time), count_before (Optional: Return up to this number of events before start-time), app_list[0] (Optional: include these appids on the event list)
Parameters: league_id (Only show matches of the specified league id), match_id (Only show matches of the specified match id), dpc (Only show matches that are part of the DPC)
Parameters: match_id (Match id), include_persona_names (Include persona names as part of the response)
Parameters: hero_id (The ID of the hero that must be in the matches being queried), game_mode (Which game mode to return matches for), skill (The average skill range of the match, these can be [1-3] with lower numbers being lower skill. Ignored if an account ID is specified), min_players (Minimum number of human players that must be in a match for it to be returned), account_id (An account ID to get matches from. This will fail if the user has their match history hidden), league_id (The league ID to return games from), start_at_match_id (The minimum match ID to start from), matches_requested (The number of requested matches to return (maximum 100))
Parameters: start_at_match_seq_num, matches_requested
Parameters: start_at_team_id, teams_requested
Parameters: partner (Which partner's games to use.)
Parameters: partner (Which partner's games to use.)
Parameters: partner (Which partner's games to use.), home_division (Prefer matches from this division.)
Parameters: account_id, league_id, hero_id, time_frame, match_id, phase_id
Flushes the display cache for assets. This will result in calls to GetAssetClassInfo for each asset class the next time it is displayed.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid
Flushes the cache of inventory contents. This will result in calls to GetContexts and GetContextContents to get fresh data for each user next time Steam needs their inventory.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid
Flushes the cache for a user's inventory in a specific app context
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (User to clear cache for.), appid (App to clear cache for.), contextid (Context to clear cache for.)
Gets a set of items from a users inventory, along with descriptions
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, appid, contextid, get_descriptions, for_trade_offer_verification, language, filters, start_assetid, count
Gets a history of trades
Parameters: key (Access key), max_trades (The number of trades to return information for), start_after_time (The time of the last trade shown on the previous page of results, or the time of the first trade if navigating back), start_after_tradeid (The tradeid shown on the previous page of results, or the ID of the first trade if navigating back), navigating_back (The user wants the previous page of results, so return the previous max_trades trades before the start time and ID), get_descriptions (If set, the item display data for the items included in the returned trades will also be returned), language (The language to use when loading item display data), include_failed, include_total (If set, the total number of trades the account has participated in will be included in the response)
Returns the estimated hold duration and end date that a trade with a user would have
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid_target (User you are trading with), trade_offer_access_token (A special token that allows for trade offers from non-friends.)
Gets a specific trade offer
Parameters: key (Access key), tradeofferid, language, get_descriptions (If set, the item display data for the items included in the returned trade offers will also be returned. If one or more descriptions can't be retrieved, then your request will fail.)
Get a list of sent or received trade offers
Parameters: key (Access key), get_sent_offers (Request the list of sent offers.), get_received_offers (Request the list of received offers.), get_descriptions (If set, the item display data for the items included in the returned trade offers will also be returned. If one or more descriptions can't be retrieved, then your request will fail.), language (The language to use when loading item display data.), active_only (Indicates we should only return offers which are still active, or offers that have changed in state since the time_historical_cutoff), historical_only (Indicates we should only return offers which are not active.), time_historical_cutoff (When active_only is set, offers updated since this time will also be returned. When historical_only is set, only offers updated since this time are included.), cursor (Cursor aka start index)
Get counts of pending and new trade offers
Parameters: key (Access key), time_last_visit (The time the user last visited. If not passed, will use the time the user last visited the trade offer page.)
Gets status for a specific trade
Parameters: key (Access key), tradeid, get_descriptions (If set, the item display data for the items included in the returned trades will also be returned), language (The language to use when loading item display data)
Cancel a pending invite to the specified family group
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, steamid_to_cancel
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, invite_id
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, invite_id, nonce
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, invite_id, nonce
Creates a new family group
Parameters: key (Access key), name, steamid ((Support only) User to create this family group for and add to the group.)
Delete the specified family group
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, steamid
Return a log of changes made to this family group
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid
Retrieves family group info
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, send_running_apps
Gets the family group id for the authenticated user or a user specified by a support account
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (Actually optional. This should only be set when support or admin accounts needs to fetch the family group for another user. Outside of the support tool it should be omitted.), include_family_group_response
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, steamid
Get the playtimes in all apps from the shared library for the whole family group.
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid
Get pending purchase requests for the family
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, include_completed, request_ids[0], rt_include_completed_since
Return a list of apps available from other members
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, include_own, include_excluded, include_free, language, max_apps, include_non_games, steamid
Get lenders or borrowers sharing device with
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, client_session_id, client_instance_id
Invites an account to a family group
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, receiver_steamid, receiver_role
Join the specified family group
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, nonce
Modify the details of the specified family group
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, name (If present, set the family name to the current value)
Remove the specified account from the specified family group
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, steamid_to_remove
Request purchase of the specified cart
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid (Requester's family group id'), gidshoppingcart (The shopping cart with items to purchase.), store_country_code (The store country code of the requestor.), use_account_cart (Request the contents of the account cart instead of gidshoppingcart?)
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, steamid
Act on a purchase request
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid (Purchase requester's family group id'), purchase_requester_steamid (Purchase requester's steam id'), action (Action being taken), request_id (Unique purchase request ID)
Set the number of times a family group's cooldown time should be ignored for joins.
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid (The family group to set the cooldown overrides on), cooldown_count (How many cooldown overrides this family group should have)
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid, appid, lender_steamid
Parameters: key (Access key), family_groupid
Creates an async game session
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (The appid to create the session for.), context (Game-specified context value the game can used to associate the session with some object on their backend.), title (The title of the session to be displayed within each user's list of sessions.), users (The initial state of all users in the session.), steamid (steamid to make the request on behalf of -- if specified, the user must be in the session and all users being added to the session must be friends with the user.)
Deletes an async game session
Parameters: key (Access key), sessionid (The sessionid to delete.), appid (The appid of the session to delete.), steamid (steamid to make the request on behalf of -- if specified, the user must be in the session.)
Deletes a batch of async game sessions
Parameters: key (Access key), sessionid (The sessionid to delete.), appid (The appid of the session to delete.)
Enumerates a user's sessions
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (The sessionid to request details for. Optional. If not specified, all the user's sessions will be returned.), steamid (The user whose sessions are to be enumerated.), include_all_user_messages (Boolean determining whether the message for all users should be included. Defaults to false.), include_auth_user_message (Boolean determining whether the message for the authenticated user should be included. Defaults to false.), language (Language to localize the text in.)
Get the details for a specific session
Parameters: key (Access key), sessions, appid (The appid for the sessions.), language (Language to localize the text in.)
Requests that a user receive game notifications for an app
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The steamid to request notifications for.), appid (The appid to request notifications for.)
Updates a game session
Parameters: key (Access key), sessionid (The sessionid to update.), appid (The appid of the session to update.), title (The new title of the session. If not specified, the title will not be changed.), users (A list of users whose state will be updated to reflect the given state. If the users are not already in the session, they will be added to it.), steamid (steamid to make the request on behalf of -- if specified, the user must be in the session and all users being added to the session must be friends with the user.)
Creates an async game session
Parameters: appid (The appid to create the session for.), context (Game-specified context value the game can used to associate the session with some object on their backend.), title (The title of the session to be displayed within each user's list of sessions.), users (The initial state of all users in the session.), steamid (steamid to make the request on behalf of -- if specified, the user must be in the session and all users being added to the session must be friends with the user.)
Deletes an async game session
Parameters: sessionid (The sessionid to delete.), appid (The appid of the session to delete.), steamid (steamid to make the request on behalf of -- if specified, the user must be in the session.)
Updates an async game session
Parameters: sessionid (The sessionid to update.), appid (The appid of the session to update.), title (The new title of the session. If not specified, the title will not be changed.), users (A list of users whose state will be updated to reflect the given state. If the users are not already in the session, they will be added to it.), steamid (steamid to make the request on behalf of -- if specified, the user must be in the session and all users being added to the session must be friends with the user.)
Creates a persistent game server account
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (The app to use the account for), memo (The memo to set on the new account)
Deletes a persistent game server account
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The SteamID of the game server account to delete)
Gets a list of game server accounts with their logon tokens
Parameters: key (Access key)
Gets public information about a given game server account
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The SteamID of the game server to get info on)
Gets a list of server IP addresses given a list of SteamIDs
Parameters: key (Access key), server_steamids
Gets a list of servers given a filter string
Parameters: key (Access key), filter (Query filter string.), limit (The maximum number of servers to return in the response)
Gets a list of server SteamIDs given a list of IPs
Parameters: key (Access key), server_ips
Perform a query on a specific server by FakeIP
Parameters: key (Access key), fake_ip (FakeIP of server to query.), fake_port (Fake port of server to query.), app_id (AppID to use. Each AppID has its own FakeIP address.), query_type (What type of query?)
Queries the status of the specified token, which must be owned by you
Parameters: key (Access key), login_token (Login token to query)
Generates a new login token for the specified game server
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The SteamID of the game server to reset the login token of)
performs a GSLT ban/unban of GSLT associated with a GS. If banning, also bans associated users' GSLTs.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, banned, ban_seconds, appid
This method changes the memo associated with the game server account. Memos do not affect the account in any way. The memo shows up in the GetAccountList response and serves only as a reminder of what the account is used for.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The SteamID of the game server to set the memo on), memo (The memo to set on the new account)
Adds an item to a user's inventory
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, itemdefid, itempropsjson, itemquantity, steamid, notify (Should notify the user that the item was added to their Steam Inventory.), requestid, trade_restriction (If true, apply the default trade and market restriction times to this item.), is_purchase (If set, treat requestid as a txnid and create this item as a result of user microtransaction purchase.)
Adds a promo item to a user's inventory
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, itemdefid, itempropsjson, itemquantity, steamid, notify (Should notify the user that the item was added to their Steam Inventory.), requestid, trade_restriction (If true, apply the default trade and market restriction times to this item.), is_purchase (If set, treat requestid as a txnid and create this item as a result of user microtransaction purchase.)
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, itemdefid, archive
Combine two stacks of items
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, fromitemid, destitemid, quantity, steamid
Consolidate items of the given type within an user's inventory
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, steamid, itemdefid, force
Consolidate all items within an user's inventory
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, steamid, force
Consume an item
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, itemid (Item ID to be consumed), quantity (Amount of the given item stack to be consumed), timestamp, steamid, requestid (Clients may provide a unique identifier for a request to perform at most once execution. When a requestid is resubmitted, it will not cause the work to be performed again; the response message will be the current state of items affected by the original successful execution.)
Craft an item in a user's inventory
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, steamid, materialsitemid, materialsquantity, outputitemdefid
Gets a list of items that have been added to accounts
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, max_results, start_highwater, start_timestamp
Retrieves a users inventory as a big JSON blob
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, steamid
Get metadata about the current item definition for this game.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid
Get item definitions
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, modifiedsince, itemdefids, workshopids, cache_max_age_seconds (Allow stale data to be returned for the specified number of seconds.)
Get the Inventory Service price sheet
Parameters: key (Access key), ecurrency, currency_code (Standard short code of the requested currency (preferred))
Get the total number of available items of the given type
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, steamid, itemdefid[0], force
Modify an item in a user's inventory
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, steamid, updates, timestamp
Split an item stack into two stacks
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, itemid, quantity, steamid
Parameters: key (Access key), target_type, targetid, reactionid
Parameters: key (Access key), requests[0]
Parameters: key (Access key)
Parameters: key (Access key)
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, language (language short name)
Parameters: key (Access key), amount, ecurrency
Parameters: key (Access key)
Parameters: key (Access key)
Parameters: key (Access key), target_type, targetid
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid
Parameters: key (Access key), appids[0], time_available, community_item_classes[0], language, count, cursor, sort, sort_descending, reward_types[0], excluded_community_item_classes[0], definitionids[0], filters[0], filter_match_all_category_tags[0], filter_match_any_category_tags[0], contains_definitionids[0], include_direct_purchase_disabled, excluded_content_descriptors[0], excluded_appids[0], search_term, store_tagids[0], search_term__field_21, excluded_store_tagids[0]
Parameters: key (Access key), defid, expected_points_cost
Parameters: key (Access key), defid, num_levels
Parameters: key (Access key), customization_type
Parameters: key (Access key), customization_type, new_level
Parameters: key (Access key), defid, expected_points_cost, communityitemid
Parameters: key (Access key), serial_number, controller_code
Create a new marketing message.
Parameters: key (Access key), message, from_json (If set, then overwrite the template_vars and additional_restrictions keyvalues from json)
Delete a marketing message.
Parameters: key (Access key), gid
Returns a boolean if the user has pending marketing messages. Intended to be fast.
Parameters: key (Access key), country_code, elanguage, operating_system (EOSType from client), client_package_version
Search for marketing messages by name, type, etc.
Parameters: key (Access key), lookup_type, gid, message_type, gidlist[0], title
Get a list of active marketing messages.
Parameters: key (Access key), country, anonymous_user (Will not return any marketing message that requires ownership/playtime/wishlist)
Get a single marketing message, cacheable.
Parameters: key (Access key), gid, context, data_request (If passed, item data will be returned)
Get a single marketing message, cacheable.
Parameters: key (Access key), gid, context, data_request (If passed, item data will be returned)
Get a single marketing message, which can be customized per user.
Parameters: key (Access key), gid, context, data_request (If passed, item data will be returned)
Get a single marketing message. Admin account needed for non-active messages
Parameters: key (Access key), gid
Parameters: key (Access key), gid
For a specific marketing message, then all of the viewership stats for the date range it was intended to be visible to customers
Parameters: key (Access key), gid
Parameters: key (Access key), appids[0]
Parameters: key (Access key), partnerid
Get a list of active marketing messages filtered for a specific user.
Parameters: key (Access key), include_seen_messages, country_code, elanguage, operating_system (EOSType from client), client_package_version, context (Optional, server can fill in from country code/language if not set), data_request (If passed, item data will be returned)
For a time range, return the seen stats across all of the marketing messages
Parameters: key (Access key), rt_start_time, rt_end_time
partner endpoint to get a marketing message preview that is approved for publishing
Parameters: key (Access key), gid, partnerid
Are there any marketing messages that are staged for this partner to control publishing and visibility upon?
Parameters: key (Access key), partnerid
Parameters: key (Access key), start_past_days, upto_past_days
Parameters: key (Access key), gid, display_index, template_type, click_location
Mark that a user has viewed a message (so we won't show it again)'.
Parameters: key (Access key), gid, display_index (Where in the stack was the marketing message, 1-based, zero means we don't know), template_type (Which type of template did they see)
partner endpoint to publish a marketing message
Parameters: key (Access key), gid, partnerid
Modify a marketing message.
Parameters: key (Access key), gid, message, from_json (If set, then overwrite the template_vars and additional_restrictions keyvalues from json)
Approve or deny temporary access to a feature from a child account
Parameters: key (Access key), approve (Approve or deny temporary access to a feature from a child account), requestid, features (Approve or deny temporary access to a feature from a child account), duration (Approve or deny temporary access to a feature from a child account), steamid
Approve or deny a temporary playtime request from a child account
Parameters: key (Access key), approve, requestid, restrictions_approved, steamid
Disable parental settings for the logged in account
Parameters: key (Access key), password, steamid
Enable parental settings for the logged in account, optionally setting the current settings
Parameters: key (Access key), password, settings, sessionid, enablecode, steamid
Get the current parental settings for the logged in account
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid
Return a list of pending (or pending and completed) feature and playtime requests for the given steamid
Parameters: key (Access key), rt_include_completed_since (Return a list of pending (or pending and completed) feature and playtime requests for the given steamid), steamid (Return a list of pending (or pending and completed) feature and playtime requests for the given steamid), family_groupid
Get the current parental settings for the logged in account in a form that can by verified by the receiver
Parameters: key (Access key), priority
Notify connected clients that a lock has occurred in a browser
Parameters: key (Access key), session
Request temporary access to a feature from a parent account
Parameters: key (Access key), features (Request temporary access to a feature from a parent account), steamid
Request temporary additional playtime from a parent account
Parameters: key (Access key), time_expires (Request temporary additional playtime from a parent account), current_playtime_restrictions (Request temporary additional playtime from a parent account), steamid
Request a recovery code be sent to the recovery email address for the specified account
Parameters: key (Access key)
Set the current parental settings for the logged in account
Parameters: key (Access key), password, settings, new_password, sessionid, steamid
Validate the plaintext password for the logged in account and return an unlock token
Parameters: key (Access key), password, session, send_unlock_on_success
Check if the given parental unlock token is correct for the logged in account
Parameters: key (Access key), unlock_token
Invites another Steam user to be a friend
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (Steam ID of user to whom to send a friend invite.)
Gets the last-played times for the account
Parameters: key (Access key), min_last_played (The most recent last-played time the client already knows about)
Gets the achievement completion stats for the specified list of apps.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, language, appids[0], include_unvetted_apps
Gets which animated avatar is active for a specific user
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about), language
Gets which avatar frame is active for a specific user
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about), language
Gets badges that are owned by a specific user
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about)
Gets all the quests needed to get the specified badge, and which are completed
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about), badgeid (The badge we're asking about)
Returns the player's community preferences
Parameters: key (Access key)
Gets the badge the user has set as their favorite
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid
Get a list of friends who are playing, have played, own, or want a game
Parameters: key (Access key), appid
Get a games available achievements for display purposes.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, language (Lowercase, language shortnames)
Gets which mini profile background is active for a specific user
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about), language
Gets the list of nicknames this user has for other users
Parameters: key (Access key)
Return a list of games owned by the player
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about), include_appinfo (true if we want additional details (name, icon) about each game), include_played_free_games (Free games are excluded by default. If this is set, free games the user has played will be returned.), appids_filter (if set, restricts result set to the passed in apps), include_free_sub (Some games are in the free sub, which are excluded by default.), skip_unvetted_apps (if set, skip unvetted store apps), language (Will return appinfo in this language), include_extended_appinfo (true if we want even more details (capsule, sortas, and capabilities) about each game. include_appinfo must also be true.)
Replacement for WG GetPlayerLinkDetails
Parameters: key (Access key), steamids[0]
Gets which profile background is active for a specific user
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about), language
Returns the customizations (if any) for a profile
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, include_inactive_customizations, include_purchased_customizations
Returns the items the user has equipped on their profile
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, language
Returns the items the user can equip on their profile
Parameters: key (Access key), language, filters, filters[0]
Gets themes available for the user.
Parameters: key (Access key)
Returns the purchased and upgraded profile customizations
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid
Returns the purchased profile customizations
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid
Gets information about a player's recently played games
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about), count (The number of games to return (0/unset: all))
Parameters: key (Steamworks Web API user authentication key.), steamid (The player we're asking about), appid (AppID that we're getting playtime for)
Gets which Steam Deck keyboard skin is active for a specific user
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about), language
Returns the Steam Level of a user
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about)
Returns how a given Steam Level compares the user base at large
Parameters: key (Access key), player_level
Gets the best achievements the user has gotten for the specified list of apps.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, language, max_achievements (The max achievements to load. Max 8), appids[0]
Blocks or unblocks communication with the user. Despite name, can be a non-friend.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, unignore (If set, remove from ignore/block list instead of adding)
Obsolete, partners should use ISteamUser.CheckAppOwnership
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (The player we're asking about), appid_playing (The game player is currently playing)
Tracks playtime for a user when they are offline
Parameters: steamid, ticket, play_sessions
Removes a friend or ignores a friend suggestion
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (Steam ID of friend to remove.)
Sets the user's animated avatar for their profile
Parameters: key (Access key), communityitemid
Sets the user's avatar frame for their profile
Parameters: key (Access key), communityitemid
Sets special flags on the equipped item
Parameters: key (Access key), communityitemid, flags (Set of EProfileItemEquippedFlag)
Sets the badge as the users favorite
Parameters: key (Access key), communityitemid, badgeid
Sets the user's mini profile background
Parameters: key (Access key), communityitemid
Sets the user's profile background
Parameters: key (Access key), communityitemid
Sets profile preferences
Parameters: key (Access key), profile_preferences
Selects a theme for the profile
Parameters: key (Access key), theme_id
Sets the user's current Steam Deck keyboard skin
Parameters: key (Access key), communityitemid
Parameters: key (Access key), plan
Parameters: key (Access key), clan_account_id, clan_event_gid, rtime_sale_start, rtime_sale_end, daily_deal_gid, promotion_gid, create_asset_request, partner_id, advertising_appid
Parameters: key (Access key), plan
Parameters: key (Access key), promotion_id
Parameters: key (Access key), partner_id
Parameters: key (Access key)
Parameters: key (Access key), appids[0], exclude_sales, exclude_direct_featuring
Parameters: key (Access key), partnerid, start_date_after_rtime, start_date_before_rtime, show_hidden, start_date, end_date
Parameters: key (Access key), publisherid, rtime_start
Parameters: key (Access key), promotion_id
Parameters: key (Access key), input_access_key
Parameters: key (Access key), oldest_rtime, newest_rtime, promotion_types[0]
Parameters: key (Access key), rtime, upto_rtime
Parameters: key (Access key), request_list[0]
Parameters: key (Access key), promotionids[0], partnerid
Parameters: key (Access key), account_id, include_published
Parameters: key (Access key), rtstart, rtend, include_packages, filter_modified_sales_rank
Parameters: key (Access key), promotion_id, value
Parameters: key (Access key), token
Parameters: key (Access key), promotion_id, notification_type, only_explicit_email_addresses (If true, then only contact explicitly added emails to the promotion plan)
Parameters: key (Access key), plan, promotion_id
Parameters: key (Access key), plan, promotion_id
Parameters: key (Access key), plan, promotion_id
Check if the user can subscribe to the published file
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid
Deletes a published file.
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid (Published file id of the file we'd like to delete.), appid
Retrieves information about a set of published files.
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileids[0] (Set of published file Ids to retrieve details for.), includetags (If true, return tag information in the returned details.), includeadditionalpreviews (If true, return preview information in the returned details.), includechildren (If true, return children in the returned details.), includekvtags (If true, return key value tags in the returned details.), includevotes (If true, return vote data in the returned details.), short_description (If true, return a short description instead of the full description.), includeforsaledata (If true, return pricing data, if applicable.), includemetadata (If true, populate the metadata field.), language (Specifies the localized text to return. Defaults to English.), return_playtime_stats (Return playtime stats for the specified number of days before today.), appid, strip_description_bbcode (Strips BBCode from descriptions.), desired_revision (Return the data for the specified revision.), includereactions (If true, then reactions to items will be returned.), admin_query (Admin tool is doing a query, return hidden items)
Get sub section data (for table of contents, a specific section, or all)
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid, for_table_of_contents, specific_sectionid, desired_revision (Return the data for the specified revision.)
Retrieves a count of files published by a user. Uses the same messages as GetUserFiles but totalonly must be true.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (Steam ID of the user whose files are being requested.), appid (App Id of the app that the files were published to.), shortcutid (Shortcut Id to retrieve published files from.), page (Starting page for results.), numperpage (The number of results, per page to return.), type (Type of files to be returned.), sortmethod (Sorting method to use on returned values.), privacy (Filter by privacy settings.), requiredtags (Tags that must be present on a published file to satisfy the query.), excludedtags (Tags that must NOT be present on a published file to satisfy the query.), required_kv_tags (Required key-value tags to match on.), filetype (File type to match files to.), creator_appid (App Id of the app that published the files, only matched if specified.), match_cloud_filename (Match this cloud filename if specified.), cache_max_age_seconds (Allow stale data to be returned for the specified number of seconds.), language (Specifies the localized text to return. Defaults to English.), taggroups (At least one of the tags must be present on a published file to satisfy the query.), excluded_content_descriptors (Filter out items that have these content descriptors.), admin_query (Admin tool is doing a query, return hidden items), totalonly (If true, only return the total number of files that satisfy this query.), ids_only (If true, only return the published file ids of files that satisfy this query.), return_vote_data (Return vote data), return_tags (Return tags in the file details), return_kv_tags (Return key-value tags in the file details), return_previews (Return preview image and video details in the file details), return_children (Return child item ids in the file details), return_short_description (Populate the short_description field instead of file_description), return_for_sale_data (Return pricing information, if applicable), return_metadata (Populate the metadata field), return_playtime_stats (Return playtime stats for the specified number of days before today.), strip_description_bbcode (Strips BBCode from descriptions.), return_reactions (If true, then reactions to items will be returned.), startindex_override (Backwards compatible for the client.), desired_revision (Return the data for the specified revision.), return_apps (Return list of apps the items belong to)
Retrieves files published by a user.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (Steam ID of the user whose files are being requested.), appid (App Id of the app that the files were published to.), shortcutid (Shortcut Id to retrieve published files from.), page (Starting page for results.), numperpage (The number of results, per page to return.), type (Type of files to be returned.), sortmethod (Sorting method to use on returned values.), privacy (Filter by privacy settings.), requiredtags (Tags that must be present on a published file to satisfy the query.), excludedtags (Tags that must NOT be present on a published file to satisfy the query.), required_kv_tags (Required key-value tags to match on.), filetype (File type to match files to.), creator_appid (App Id of the app that published the files, only matched if specified.), match_cloud_filename (Match this cloud filename if specified.), cache_max_age_seconds (Allow stale data to be returned for the specified number of seconds.), language (Specifies the localized text to return. Defaults to English.), taggroups (At least one of the tags must be present on a published file to satisfy the query.), excluded_content_descriptors (Filter out items that have these content descriptors.), admin_query (Admin tool is doing a query, return hidden items), totalonly (If true, only return the total number of files that satisfy this query.), ids_only (If true, only return the published file ids of files that satisfy this query.), return_vote_data (Return vote data), return_tags (Return tags in the file details), return_kv_tags (Return key-value tags in the file details), return_previews (Return preview image and video details in the file details), return_children (Return child item ids in the file details), return_short_description (Populate the short_description field instead of file_description), return_for_sale_data (Return pricing information, if applicable), return_metadata (Populate the metadata field), return_playtime_stats (Return playtime stats for the specified number of days before today.), strip_description_bbcode (Strips BBCode from descriptions.), return_reactions (If true, then reactions to items will be returned.), startindex_override (Backwards compatible for the client.), desired_revision (Return the data for the specified revision.), return_apps (Return list of apps the items belong to)
Get user vote summary
Parameters: publishedfileids[0]
Publishes a clouded user file to the Workshop.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (App Id this file is being published FROM.), consumer_appid (App Id this file is being published TO.), cloudfilename (Name of the file to publish in the user's cloud.), preview_cloudfilename (Name of the file to use as the published file's preview.), title (Text title for the published file.), file_description (Text description for the published file.), file_type ((EWorkshopFileType) Type of Workshop file to publish.), consumer_shortcut_name (Shortcut name for the published file.), youtube_username (User's YouTube account username.), youtube_videoid (Video Id of a YouTube video for this published file.), visibility ((ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility) Visibility of the published file (private, friends, public, etc.)), redirect_uri (If supplied, the resulting published file's Id is appended to the URI.), tags[0] (Array of text tags to apply to the published file.), collection_type (Type of collection the published file represents.), game_type (Type of game the published file represents.), url (If this represents a game, this is the URL to that game's page.)
Performs a search query for published files
Parameters: key (Access key), query_type (enumeration EPublishedFileQueryType in clientenums.h), page (Current page), cursor (Cursor to paginate through the results (set to '*' for the first request). Prefer this over using the page parameter, as it will allow you to do deep pagination. When used, the page parameter will be ignored.), numperpage (The number of results, per page to return.), creator_appid (App that created the files), appid (App that consumes the files), requiredtags (Tags to match on. See match_all_tags parameter below), excludedtags (Tags that must NOT be present on a published file to satisfy the query.), match_all_tags (If true, then items must have all the tags specified, otherwise they must have at least one of the tags.), required_flags (Required flags that must be set on any returned items), omitted_flags (Flags that must not be set on any returned items), search_text (Text to match in the item's title or description), filetype (EPublishedFileInfoMatchingFileType), child_publishedfileid (Find all items that reference the given item.), days (If query_type is k_PublishedFileQueryType_RankedByTrend, then this is the number of days to get votes for [1,7].), include_recent_votes_only (If query_type is k_PublishedFileQueryType_RankedByTrend, then limit result set just to items that have votes within the day range given), cache_max_age_seconds (Allow stale data to be returned for the specified number of seconds.), language (Language to search in and also what gets returned. Defaults to English.), required_kv_tags (Required key-value tags to match on.), taggroups (At least one of the tags must be present on a published file to satisfy the query.), date_range_created (Filter to items created within this range.), date_range_updated (Filter to items updated within this range.), excluded_content_descriptors (Filter out items that have these content descriptors.), admin_query (Admin tool is doing a query, return hidden items), totalonly (If true, only return the total number of files that satisfy this query.), ids_only (If true, only return the published file ids of files that satisfy this query.), return_vote_data (Return vote data), return_tags (Return tags in the file details), return_kv_tags (Return key-value tags in the file details), return_previews (Return preview image and video details in the file details), return_children (Return child item ids in the file details), return_short_description (Populate the short_description field instead of file_description), return_for_sale_data (Return pricing information, if applicable), return_metadata (Populate the metadata), return_playtime_stats (Return playtime stats for the specified number of days before today.), return_details (By default, if none of the other 'return_*' fields are set, only some voting details are returned. Set this to true to return the default set of details.), strip_description_bbcode (Strips BBCode from descriptions.), desired_revision (Return the data for the specified revision.), return_reactions (If true, then reactions to items will be returned.)
Refresh the voting queue for the user
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, matching_file_type (EPublishedFileInfoMatchingFileType), tags (Include files that have all the tags or any of the tags if match_all_tags is set to false.), match_all_tags (If true, then files must have all the tags specified. If false, then must have at least one of the tags specified.), excluded_tags (Exclude any files that have any of these tags.), desired_queue_size (Desired number of items in the voting queue. May be clamped by the server), desired_revision (Filter to items that have data for the specified revision.)
Sets the metadata for a developer on the published file
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid, appid, metadata
Subscribes the user to the published file
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid, list_type, appid, notify_client, include_dependencies
Unsubscribes the user from the published file
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid, list_type, appid, notify_client
Updates information about a published file.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (App Id this published file belongs to.), publishedfileid (Published file id of the file we'd like update.), title (Title of the published file.), file_description (Description of the published file.), visibility (Visibility of the published file.), tags[0] (Set of tags for the published file.), filename (Filename for the published file.), preview_filename (Preview filename for the published file.), spoiler_tag (Whether this published file should have a spoiler tag attached to it.), image_width (If this is an image file, you can specify the image width.), image_height (If this is an image file, you can specify the image height.), language (If setting title & description, what language to set)
Adds/updates/removes a UGC ban in the app
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, appid, expiration_time, reason
Updates the ban status on the item
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid, appid, banned, reason
Update the incompatible status on the item
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid, appid, incompatible
Updates key/value tags for a published file
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid, tags_to_add, tags_to_remove, string_tags_to_remove_by_key, int_tags_to_remove_by_key, appid
Updates tags on the published file
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid, appid, add_tags, remove_tags, language
User wants to vote on the item
Parameters: key (Access key), publishedfileid, vote_up
Parameters: key (Access key), opt_in_name (what optin are we creating the email for), targeting_flag (Who should receive this email), settings_flag (Settings for firing the email), email_templates (Custom Email template we should use), start_rtime (Earliest we can send the email, zero means requires manual firing), end_rtime (Stop sending email after this point, zero means requires manual firing)
Parameters: key (Access key), email_def_id
Parameters: key (Access key), opt_in_names[0]
Parameters: key (Access key), email_def_id
Parameters: key (Access key), opt_in_name (what optin are we creating the email for)
Parameters: key (Access key), opt_in_name
Parameters: key (Access key), packageids[0]
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, opt_in_name
Parameters: key (Access key), email_def_id, force_resend (This will resend the email to those who were previously marked failed, hoping to unlodge the email)
Parameters: key (Access key), appids[0], additional_featuring (If true, we want to enable the additional featuring for this app), opt_in_name
Parameters: key (Access key), email_def_id, appid, partnerid
Parameters: key (Access key), email_def_id, targeting_flag (Who should receive this email), settings_flag (Settings for firing the email), email_templates (Custom Email template we should use), start_rtime (Earliest we can send the email, zero means requires manual firing), end_rtime (Stop sending email after this point, zero means requires manual firing), reviewed (Indicates we can reviewed the result of the email and deal)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game), count (# of builds to retrieve (default 10)), depot_details (True if we want the info on the depots in each build. False if we don't need that info. Defaults to true.)
Parameters: appid (AppID of depot)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game), timebegin (Time range begin), timeend (Time range end), includereports (include reports that were not bans), includebans (include reports that were bans), reportidmin (minimum report id)
Parameters: key (access key), type_filter (Filter app results by type. Can be comman separated, eg: games,dlc)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game)
Parameters: filter (Query filter string), limit (Limit number of servers in the response)
Parameters: addr (IP or IP:queryport to list)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game), buildid (BuildID), betakey (beta key, required. Use public for default branch), steamid (SteamID of user approving build change, required for public branches of released apps), description (optional description for this build)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game), version (The installed version of the game)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game), betakey (Beta branch name, required. Will not update default branch), description (Description for this beta branch, required)
Parameters: appid (That the key is associated with. Must be a steam economy app.), steamid (SteamID of user attempting to initiate a trade), targetid (SteamID of user that is the target of the trade invitation)
Parameters: appid (The app ID the user is buying assets for), steamid (SteamID of the user making a purchase), txnid (The transaction ID), language (The local language for the user)
Parameters: appid (Must be a steam economy app.), language (The user's local language), class_count (Number of classes requested. Must be at least one.), classid0 (Class ID of the nth class.), instanceid0 (Instance ID of the nth class.)
Parameters: appid (Must be a steam economy app.), currency (The currency to filter for), language (The user's local language)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user), appid (The app to get exported items from.), contextid (The context in the app to get exported items from.)
Parameters: appid (Must be a steam economy app.)
Parameters: appid (The app ID the user is buying assets for), steamid (SteamID of user making a purchase), assetid0 (The ID of the first asset the user is buying - there must be at least one), assetquantity0 (The quantity of assetid0's the the user is buying), currency (The local currency for the user), language (The local language for the user), ipaddress (The user's IP address), referrer (The referring URL), clientauth (If true (default is false), the authorization will appear in the user's steam client overlay, rather than as a web page - useful for stores that are embedded in products.)
Parameters: appid (That the key is associated with. Must be a steam economy app.), partya (SteamID of first user in the trade), partyb (SteamID of second user in the trade)
Parameters: appid (appid of game), name (name of the leaderboard to delete)
Parameters: appid (appid of game), leaderboardid (numeric ID of the target leaderboard. Can be retrieved from GetLeaderboardsForGame), steamid (steamID to set the score for)
Parameters: appid (appid of game), name (name of the leaderboard to create), sortmethod (sort method to use for this leaderboard (defaults to Ascending)), displaytype (display type for this leaderboard (defaults to Numeric)), createifnotfound (if this is true the leaderboard will be created if it doesn't exist. Defaults to true.), onlytrustedwrites (if this is true the leaderboard scores cannot be set by clients, and can only be set by publisher via SetLeaderboardScore WebAPI. Defaults to false.), onlyfriendsreads (if this is true the leaderboard scores can only be read for friends by clients, scores can always be read by publisher. Defaults to false.), onlyusersinsameparty (if this is true the leaderboard scores for SteamIDs can only be read for party members, scores can always be read by publisher. Defaults to false.), limitrangearounduser (limit the range of rows around user. Zero means unlimited. -1 means disabled. Positive is plus/minus limit. Defaults to zero.), limitglobaltopentries (limit the top of the leaderboard. Zero means unlimited. -1 means disabled. Positive is limit to TOP(N). Defaults to zero.)
Parameters: key (access key), appid (appid of game), rangestart (range start or 0), rangeend (range end or max LB entries), steamid (SteamID used for friend & around user requests), leaderboardid (ID of the leaderboard to view), datarequest (type of request: RequestGlobal, RequestAroundUser, RequestFriends)
Parameters: key (access key), appid (appid of game)
Parameters: appid (appid of game), steamid (steamID to set the score for), score (the score to set for this user), scoremethod (update method to use. Can be "KeepBest" or "ForceUpdate"), details (game-specific details for how the score was earned. Up to 256 bytes.), leaderboardid_del[0] (Numeric ID of the target leaderboard to delete user scores from. Multiple leaderboards supported by numbering sequentially [0], [1], [2], ... Leaderboards be retrieved from GetLeaderboardsForGame.), leaderboardid_del[1] (Numeric ID of the target leaderboard to delete user scores from. Multiple leaderboards supported by numbering sequentially [0], [1], [2], ... Leaderboards be retrieved from GetLeaderboardsForGame.), leaderboardid_set[0] (Numeric ID of the target leaderboard to set user scores into. Multiple leaderboards supported by numbering sequentially [0], [1], [2], ... Scores are set after all delete operations complete. Leaderboards be retrieved from GetLeaderboardsForGame.), leaderboardid_set[1] (Numeric ID of the target leaderboard to set user scores into. Multiple leaderboards supported by numbering sequentially [0], [1], [2], ... Scores are set after all delete operations complete. Leaderboards be retrieved from GetLeaderboardsForGame.)
Parameters: appid (appid of game), leaderboardid (numeric ID of the target leaderboard. Can be retrieved from GetLeaderboardsForGame)
Parameters: appid (appid of game), leaderboardid (numeric ID of the target leaderboard. Can be retrieved from GetLeaderboardsForGame), steamid (steamID to set the score for), score (the score to set for this user), scoremethod (update method to use. Can be "KeepBest" or "ForceUpdate"), details (game-specific details for how the score was earned. Up to 256 bytes.)
Batches multiple data updates, snapshots, and inference requests into a single call
Parameters: key (Access key), snapshot_requests, inference_requests, cache_data_requests[0], snapshot_requests[0], inference_requests[0]
Updates a cached data entry.
Parameters: key (Access key), access_token, access_data, data
Parameters: key (Access key), project_name, project_description
Parameters: key (Access key), project, published_version
Gets the access tokens needed for registering data sources, submitting data to them, and snapshotting projects
Parameters: key (Access key), appid
Parameters: key (Access key), appid
Parameters: key (Access key), fetch_requests[0], train_requests[0]
Parameters: key (Access key), data_source_id
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id, published_version, train_id, export_name, numerical_values[0], fetch_id
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id, fetch_id
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id, published_version
Parameters: key (Access key), look_behind_days, look_ahead_days, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, project_id, published_version
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id, published_version, train_id, export_name, result_count, values[0], fetch_id, popularity_weight, focus_weight
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id, published_version, snapshot_example_count
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id, fetch_id, train_id
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id, train_id
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id, published_version
Inferences using supplied data, or data associated with the specified key.
Parameters: key (Access key), access_token, access_data, project_id, published_version, override_train_id, data, additional_data[0], keys[0], named_inference, inference_iterations, weighted_items[0], item_weights[0]
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id, fetch_id, train_id, additional_data[0], keys[0], data[0], named_inference, inference_iterations, weighted_items[0], item_weights[0]
Requests the metadata that was generated from a specified fetch.
Parameters: key (Access key), access_token, access_data, project_id, published_version, override_train_id
Parameters: key (Access key)
Parameters: key (Access key), appid
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id
Registers a data desc (or finds a data desc if it's already registered).
Parameters: key (Access key), access_token, access_data, data_source
Parameters: key (Access key), project_id, published_version, train_id, from_scheduled, deactivate
Snapshots the current data for a project.
Parameters: key (Access key), access_token, access_data, project_id, published_version, keys[0], data, pending_data_limit_seconds, data[0]
Parameters: key (Access key), project_config, fetch, train
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user with the agreement), agreementid (ID of agreement), appid (AppID of game), nextprocessdate (Date for next process)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user with the agreement), agreementid (ID of agreement), appid (AppID of game)
Parameters: orderid (3rd party ID for transaction), appid (AppID of game this transaction is for)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game this transaction is for), type (Report type (GAMESALES, STEAMSTORE, SETTLEMENT)), time (Beginning time to start report from (RFC 3339 UTC format)), maxresults (Max number of results to return (up to 1000))
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user making purchase), appid (AppID of game)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user making purchase), ipaddress (ip address of user in string format ( Only required if usersession=web), appid (AppID of game this transaction is for)
Parameters: orderid (3rd party ID for transaction), steamid (SteamID of user making purchase), appid (AppID of game this transaction is for), itemcount (Number of items in cart), language (ISO 639-1 language code of description), currency (ISO 4217 currency code), usersession (session where user will authorize the transaction. client or web (defaults to client)), ipaddress (ip address of user in string format ( Only required if usersession=web), itemid[0] (3rd party ID for item), qty[0] (Quantity of this item), amount[0] (Total cost (in cents) of item(s)), description[0] (Description of item), category[0] (Optional category grouping for item), associated_bundle[0] (Optional bundleid of associated bundle), billingtype[0] (Optional recurring billing type), startdate[0] (Optional start date for recurring billing), enddate[0] (Optional end date for recurring billing), period[0] (Optional period for recurring billing), frequency[0] (Optional frequency for recurring billing), recurringamt[0] (Optional recurring billing amount), bundlecount (Number of bundles in cart), bundleid[0] (3rd party ID of the bundle. This shares the same ID space as 3rd party items.), bundle_qty[0] (Quantity of this bundle), bundle_desc[0] (Description of bundle), bundle_category[0] (Optional category grouping for bundle)
Parameters: orderid (3rd party ID for transaction), steamid (SteamID of user with the agreement), agreementid (ID of agreement), appid (AppID of game), amount (Total cost (in cents) to charge), currency (ISO 4217 currency code)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game this transaction is for), orderid (3rd party ID for transaction), transid (Steam transaction ID)
Parameters: orderid (3rd party ID for transaction), appid (AppID of game this transaction is for)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user with the agreement), agreementid (ID of agreement), appid (AppID of game), nextprocessdate (Date for next process)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user with the agreement), agreementid (ID of agreement), appid (AppID of game)
Parameters: orderid (3rd party ID for transaction), appid (AppID of game this transaction is for)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game this transaction is for), type (Report type (GAMESALES, STEAMSTORE, SETTLEMENT)), time (Beginning time to start report from (RFC 3339 UTC format)), maxresults (Max number of results to return (up to 1000))
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user making purchase), appid (AppID of game)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user making purchase), ipaddress (ip address of user in string format ( Only required if usersession=web), appid (AppID of game this transaction is for)
Parameters: orderid (3rd party ID for transaction), steamid (SteamID of user making purchase), appid (AppID of game this transaction is for), itemcount (Number of items in cart), language (ISO 639-1 language code of description), currency (ISO 4217 currency code), itemid[0] (3rd party ID for item), qty[0] (Quantity of this item), amount[0] (Total cost (in cents) of item(s)), description[0] (Description of item), category[0] (Optional category grouping for item), billingtype[0] (Optional recurring billing type), startdate[0] (Optional start date for recurring billing), enddate[0] (Optional end date for recurring billing), period[0] (Optional period for recurring billing), frequency[0] (Optional frequency for recurring billing), recurringamt[0] (Optional recurring billing amount)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user with the agreement), agreementid (ID of agreement), appid (AppID of game), amount (Total cost (in cents) to charge), currency (ISO 4217 currency code)
Parameters: appid (AppID of game this transaction is for), orderid (3rd party ID for transaction), transid (Steam transaction ID)
Parameters: orderid (3rd party ID for transaction), appid (AppID of game this transaction is for)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user), appid (appID of product), startidx (Starting index in the result set (0 based)), count (Number Requested), tagcount (Number of Tags Specified), usertagcount (Number of User specific tags requested), hasappadminaccess (Whether the user making the request is an admin for the app and can see private files), fileType (EPublishedFileInfoMatchingFileType, defaults to k_PFI_MatchingFileType_Items), tag[0] (Tag to filter result set), usertag[0] (A user specific tag)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user), appid (appID of product), startidx (Starting index in the result set (0 based)), count (Number Requested), tagcount (Number of Tags Specified), usertagcount (Number of User specific tags requested), hasappadminaccess (Whether the user making the request is an admin for the app and can see private files), fileType (EPublishedFileInfoMatchingFileType, defaults to k_PFI_MatchingFileType_Items), days ([1,7] number of days for the trend period, including today), tag[0] (Tag to filter result set), usertag[0] (A user specific tag)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user), appid (appID of product), startidx (Starting index in the result set (0 based)), count (Number Requested), tagcount (Number of Tags Specified), usertagcount (Number of User specific tags requested), hasappadminaccess (Whether the user making the request is an admin for the app and can see private files), fileType (EPublishedFileInfoMatchingFileType, defaults to k_PFI_MatchingFileType_Items), tag[0] (Tag to filter result set), usertag[0] (A user specific tag)
Parameters: steamid (SteamID of user), appid (appID relevant to all subsequent tags), tagcount (Number of Tags Specified), usertagcount (Number of User specific tags requested), hasappadminaccess (Whether the user making the request is an admin for the app and can see private files), fileType (EPublishedFileInfoMatchingFileType, defaults to k_PFI_MatchingFileType_Items), tag[0] (Tag to filter result set), usertag[0] (A user specific tag)
Set the ban for a specific broadcaster. The issuer is the logged in steam account
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id, chatter_steamid, duration, permanent, undo
Add or remove a moderator for this broadcast channel
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id, moderator_steamid, undo
Add or remove a banned keyword in this broadcast channel chat
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id, word, undo
The user is cheering for a specific broadcast for a specific app.
Parameters: key (Access key), app_id (App ID this cheer is for.), cheer_target_id (The thing being cheered on. ID is app dependent (could be steam id, match id, lobby id, server id, etc).), cheers[0] (The set of cheers this request represents (could be multiple of different types).)
Create a channel on SteamTV
Parameters: key (Access key), unique_name (Unique short broadcast channel name, part of Steam.TV URL)
Follow a broadcast channel
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID), undo (Indicates this is an unfollow request)
Get list of broadcaster info for this channel
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID)
Get broadcast channel clips
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id
Get a broadcast channel ID for a channel by name or owner SteamID
Parameters: key (Access key), unique_name (Channel short name))
Get broadcast channel images
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID), image_types (list of EBroadcastImage), image_types[0] (list of EBroadcastImage)
Get user's interaction status with a broadcast channel
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID)
Get broadcast channel link regions
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID)
Get broadcast channel profile data
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID)
Get broadcast channel live status
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID)
Get the list of featured broadcast channels
Parameters: key (Access key), algorithm (The algorithm to use when picking channels to return), count (The maximum number of results to return), appid (Filter results to only this appid)
Get list of bans for a specific broadcaster.
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id
Returns the list of moderators for this broadcast channel
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id
Get list of followed channels by a viewer
Parameters: key (Access key)
Get list of games with active broadcasters
Parameters: key (Access key), appid (The ID for the game), algorithm (The algorithm to use when picking games to return), count (The maximum number of results to return)
Returns homepage contents for user
Parameters: key (Access key)
Gets the broadcast channels that the current user owns
Parameters: key (Access key)
Returns a user's SteamTV settings
Parameters: key (Access key)
Get list of channels a user is subscribed to
Parameters: key (Access key)
Returns the list of banned keywords for this broadcast channel
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id
Joins the chat channel for a broadcast
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id
Report a broadcast channel
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID), reason (The reason for the report)
Searches for broadcast channels based on input keywords
Parameters: key (Access key), term
Set broadcast channel image hash
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID), image_type (EBroadcastImage), image_index (Index of the image (for supporting multiple uploads of the same type), image_width (width in pixels), image_height (height in pixels), file_size (in bytes), file_extension (eg .jpg), file_hash (image SHA), undo (indicates this is a delete request)
Set broadcast channel link regions
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID), links[0]
Set broadcast channel profile data
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID), name (long channel name), language (primary channel language (Steam shortname)), headline (short channel desciption), summary (long channel desciption), avatar_hash (community avatar hash), schedule (broadcast channel schedule), rules (broadcast channel rules), panels (JSON data representing the channel panel layout)
Sets a user's SteamTV settings
Parameters: key (Access key), stream_live_email (Send email when followed stream starts), stream_live_notification (Send Steam notification when followed stream starts)
Subscribe to a broadcast channel
Parameters: key (Access key), broadcast_channel_id (Broadcast channel ID)
Parameters: key (access key), steamid (SteamID of user), appid (AppID to check for ownership)
Parameters: key (access key), steamid (SteamID of user), appids (Comma-delimited list of appids (max: 100))
Parameters: key (Steamworks Web API publisher authentication key.), rowversion (An unsigned 64-bit value used to page through deleted accounts. Pass 0 when calling this API for the first time, then pass the value returned from the previous call for each additional request. This value will need to be stored on your server for future calls.)
Parameters: key (access key), steamid (SteamID of user), relationship (relationship type (ex: friend))
Parameters: key (access key), steamids (Comma-delimited list of SteamIDs)
Parameters: key (access key), steamids (Comma-delimited list of SteamIDs (max: 100))
Parameters: key (access key), steamid (SteamID of user)
Parameters: key (access key), packagerowversion (The unsigned 64-bit row version to read package changes from. The row version of data read up to will be returned for use in future calls.), cdkeyrowversion (The unsigned 64-bit row version to read CD Key changes from. The row version of data read up to will be returned for use in future calls.)
Parameters: key (access key), steamid (SteamID of user)
Parameters: key (access key), steamid (SteamID of user), packageid (PackageID to grant), ipaddress (ip address of user in string format (, thirdpartykey (Optionally associate third party key during grant. 'thirdpartyappid' will have to be set.), thirdpartyappid (Has to be set if 'thirdpartykey' is set. The appid associated with the 'thirdpartykey'.)
Parameters: key (access key), vanityurl (The vanity URL to get a SteamID for), url_type (The type of vanity URL. 1 (default): Individual profile, 2: Group, 3: Official game group)
Parameters: key (access key), steamid (SteamID of user), packageid (PackageID to grant), revokereason (Reason for why to revoke)
Marks a position is deleted and will no longer be surfaced
Parameters: key (Access key), edistributor, product_identifier, start_queue_position
Marks a position is deleted and will no longer be surfaced
Parameters: key (Access key)
Gets a list of apps available on the Steam Store.
Parameters: key (Access key), if_modified_since (Return only items that have been modified since this date.), have_description_language (Return only items that have a description in this language.), include_games (Include games (defaults to enabled)), include_dlc (Include DLC), include_software (Include software items), include_videos (Include videos and series), include_hardware (Include hardware), last_appid (For continuations, this is the last appid returned from the previous call.), max_results (Number of results to return at a time. Default 10k, max 50k.)
Get a list of games for the user to explore on the store.
Parameters: key (Access key), queue_type, country_code, rebuild_queue, settings_changed, settings, rebuild_queue_if_stale, ignore_user_preferences, no_experimental_results, experimental_cohort, debug_get_solr_query, store_page_filter, context, data_request
Get the settings that were used to generate a user's discovery queue.
Parameters: key (Access key), queue_type, store_page_filter
Returns all the apps skipped so far in the given discovery queue for the given user.
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, queue_type, store_page_filter
Gets tag names in a different language
Parameters: key (Access key), language, tagids[0]
Get all whitelisted tags, with localized names.
Parameters: key (Access key), language
Get a set of tags that are recommended for the user based on recent playtime.
Parameters: steamid (this is no longer used, we use the steamid in the header. Here for compatibility with PHP until we can clean that up.), language, country_code, favor_rarer_tags (Biases tags towards tags that are less common. e.g. Favor Zombies over Action if the user plays the same number of games with both tags.)
Get the list of tags, localized
Parameters: key (Access key), language, have_version_hash (The hash returned in the last call. Will return no results if the list hasn't changed.)
Get information about a user's relationship to a game - ownership, wishlist, discovery queue state, etc.
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, store_appid, beta_appid
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, demo_appid, allow_late_firing
Move UTM data from the PartnerLinkTrackingLogNoUser table to the PartnerLinkTrackingLogWithUser table
Parameters: key (Access key), accountid, browserid, backfill_source
Parameters: key (Access key), appid, demo_appid, allow_late_firing
Refreshes all of the caches through the store features servers
Parameters: key (Access key)
Creates/Update a reservation position message for people in the queue or next queue position for people deciding to join
Parameters: key (Access key), settings[0]
Skip an item in the user's queue.
Parameters: key (Access key), queue_type, appid, store_page_filter
Updates the reservations for a user
Parameters: key (Access key), packages_to_reserve[0], packages_to_unreserve[0], country_code
Add two-factor authenticator to the logged-in account
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid to use), authenticator_time (Current authenticator time), serial_number (locally computed serial (deprecated)), authenticator_type (Authenticator type), device_identifier (Authenticator identifier), sms_phone_id (ID of phone to use for SMS verification), http_headers[0] (HTTP headers alternating by K/V), version (What the version of our token should be)
Generate emergency authenticator codes
Parameters: key (Access key), code
Destroy emergency authenticator codes for the account
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid to use)
Finalize two-factor authentication addition to the logged-in account
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid to use), authenticator_code (Current auth code), authenticator_time (Current authenticator time), activation_code (Activation code from out-of-band message), http_headers[0] (HTTP headers alternating by K/V), validate_sms_code (When finalizing with an SMS code, pass the request on to the PhoneService to update its state too.)
Get two-factor authentication settings for the logged-in account
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (steamid to use)
Get server's idea of the current time
Parameters: key (Access key), sender_time (Current time on the sender (for stats, don't trust this))
Remove two-factor authentication addition from the logged-in account
Parameters: key (Access key), revocation_code (Password needed to remove token), revocation_reason (Reason the authenticator is being removed), steamguard_scheme (Type of Steam Guard to use once token is removed), remove_all_steamguard_cookies (Remove all steamguard cookies)
Continue challenge-based authenticator removal
Parameters: key (Access key), sms_code (Code from SMS), generate_new_token (Generate new token (instead of removing old one)), version (What the version of our token should be)
Start challenge-based authenticator removal
Parameters: key (Access key)
Send email to the account
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid (Steamid to use), email_type (Type of email to send (ETwoFactorEmailType::*)), include_activation_code (Include activation code in email parameters)
Update the version for my token
Parameters: key (Access key), steamid, version (What the version of our token should be), signature (HMAC digest over user's private key)
Validate (and consume) a token
Parameters: key (Access key), code (code to validate)